Black tights or dance pants; white t-shirt; appropriate shoes.
Ballet: Black leotard; pink tights with full foot; Light pink Capezio Hanami canvas ballet shoes; hair tied back – must be in a bun for 1½ hour ballet classes.
Tap: Black leotard; pink,black or tan tights; Type of Tap shoe will be chosen for the recital in November.
Jazz: Solid color leotard and tights or leggings; Light suntan Capezio Hanami canvas ballet shoes. Black jazz shorts may be worn over tights No baggy clothes.
Please Remember:
No gum, no dangling jewelry, no shirts,and no dance skirts unless in pointe class.
Why a dress code?
There are several reasons that we choose to have a standard dress code. First and most importantly is so that we can see the way the student’s body is working, giving us the best chance to see what needs to be corrected. Secondly, dance is an art form. We want the students to feel like dancers when they come to class. We think that is hard to do when you’re wearing sweats and a hoodie. Lastly, we hope that it will cut out some of the “Betsy has that so I have to have it too” mentality and let the students concentrate on dancing rather than what their friend is wearing. Not to mention saving you a trip or two to the local dance store.